⚛ React Tooling in 2024

Get ready to dive into the vibrant world of React, where innovation knows no bounds! In this blog post, we're about to unravel the coolest developments and trends that are shaping the React landscape in 2024. From slick libraries to game-changing tools, join us on this thrilling journey into what's hot and happening for React developers in the year ahead.


React Router

React Router maintains its status as the go-to choice for handling routing in React applications. With its extensive documentation and active community, it remains a dependable option for declarative routing.

React Query

Building on its popularity in 2023, React Query by Tanstack is set to revolutionize data-fetching and state management. It simplifies the complex tasks of managing, caching, and synchronizing data in React applications.


Next.js, a framework built atop React, is expected to retain its position as the preferred choice for server-rendered React apps with flexible routing options. Its official documentation continues to be a valuable resource for routing in Next.js applications.

2024 promises to be another vibrant year for React's ecosystem, offering developers a rich array of tools and libraries. Stay tuned for further updates and advancements in the React world.

Client State Management Solutions

Efficient client state management is crucial for modern web development. Let's take a closer look at two popular solutions:

Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit, built on top of Redux, provides tools and best practices to simplify state management in complex projects. Its structured approach promotes centralized and declarative state management.


Zustand, a lightweight and flexible state management library, simplifies state management without complex setup. It's an excellent choice for smaller projects that value simplicity and efficiency.

Choosing between Redux Toolkit and Zustand depends on your project's complexity and your familiarity with Redux. Redux Toolkit suits large, structured projects, while Zustand is ideal for smaller, straightforward applications.

Server State Management

Effectively managing server state is vital for applications spanning both client and server. Here are two key libraries for server state management:

TanStack Query

TanStack Query is a powerful and flexible library for server state management. It simplifies data fetching, caching, and updating, making it suitable for real-time data-intensive applications.

Redux Toolkit - RTK Query

RTK Query, part of the Redux Toolkit ecosystem, offers a comprehensive solution for server state management. It integrates seamlessly with Redux and is ideal for applications using Redux for state management.

Selecting a server state management library depends on your project's needs, data fetching complexity, and your familiarity with Redux, if you choose RTK Query.

Form Handling Libraries

Effective form handling is crucial in web applications. Let's examine two popular libraries:


Formik, a widely-used library, simplifies form state, validation, and submission. While Formik has been popular, please note that it's not actively maintained. Consider this factor for new projects.

React Hook Form

React Hook Form leverages React hooks for efficient form state and validation handling. It is actively maintained and known for its performance and flexibility.

For modern projects, React Hook Form is recommended due to its active development and modern approach.

Stay tuned for more trends and updates in the React ecosystem!